// This tutorial describes how to setup a custom record and use it.
// Step 1: Record.h and Record.cpp contain all stuff needed for
// our Custom record.
#include "Record.h"
// Step 2: We define our CCustomer class which stores the first and last
// name of our customer and its contribution to something. CCustomer
// is derived from CPackedRecord.
class CCustomer : public CPackedRecord
// Construction
// Step 3: We initialize our variables which we will define in Step 4.
inline CCustomer() :
{ }
// Attributes
// Step 4: We define firstname, lastname and contribution as normal
// variables. firstname and lastname link to the record itself,
// after we will unpack the record.
CharPtr firstname;
CharPtr lastname;
ULong contribution;
// Mapping
// Step 5: In every derived CPackedRecord class we declare the field map.
// Step 6: After we declare the field map, we can implement it. Every attribute
// has an associated DM_XXXFIELD. DM_FIXEDFIELD describes a field with
// four bytes (ULong) and its storage, in our case the contribution.
// DM_STRINGFIELD describes a field with a variable length string
// terminated by '\0'. Now we designed a scheme for the record.
DM_FIXEDFIELD(ULong, contribution);
void TestPackMechanism();
void TestPackMechanism()
DmOpenRef db = 0;
CCustomer customer;
// Step 7: We create a database
if ( ::DmCreateDatabase(0, "TestDb", 'test', 'DATA', false) != 0 )
db = ::DmOpenDatabaseByTypeCreator('DATA', 'test', dmModeReadWrite);
if ( db == 0 )
// Step 8: We add three customers to the database. We simply assign
// extern variables to the exchange variables and AttachToDatabase()
// packs them and attach the newly created record to the database.
// If we want to link the exchange variables to the created record
// instead of the extern variables, we write:
// customer.AttachToDatabase(db, true);
// instead of
// customer.AttachToDatabase(db);
customer.firstname = "John";
customer.lastname = "Doe";
customer.contribution = 10;
customer.firstname = "Jim";
customer.lastname = "Franklyn";
customer.contribution = 50;
customer.firstname = "Holly";
customer.lastname = "Mueller";
customer.contribution = 30;
// Step 9: We iterate through the database and unpack all exchange variables.
// Then we add 10 dollars to the contribution. We do this to all people.
for (UInt i = 0; i < DmNumRecords(db); ++i)
// Step 9.1: We first attach the database manager record loosly to
// our customer record.
customer.AttachToRecord(db, i);
// Step 9.2: We unpack the whole database manager record and gain access
// to all variables in the database manager record.
// Step 9.3: We add 10 dollars to the contribution.
customer.contribution += 10;
// Step 9.4: We pack all exchange variables back to the database
// manager record. Commit automatically releases the
// database manager record if we
// does not unpack it during commit.
// Step 10: Again we iterate through the database and look whether the contribution
// was changed.
for (UInt i = 0; i < DmNumRecords(db); ++i)
// Step 10.1: We attach loosly the database record to the Customer record.
customer.AttachToRecord(db, i);
// Step 10.2: We unpack the whole record and we can see that the
// contribution is changed.
// Step 10.3: We can release the record.
// Step 11: Finally we close the database.
DWord PilotMain( Word cmd, Ptr cmdPBP, Word launchFlags)
// If normal launch
if (cmd == sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch)
return 0;